Review of Development of Submersible Deep-Sea Habitat Observation Technology


  • Zhongjun Ding College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao; 266590, China Author
  • Zhiyuan Li College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao; 266590, China Author
  • Guangzhao Diao Jinan jundaren Experimental Instrument Co., Ltd, Jinan; 250014, China Author
  • Dewei Li National Deep Sea Center, Qingdao; 266237, China Author
  • Hongyu Li College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao; 266590, China Author



manned submersible, deep-sea habitat, in situ observations


To further leverage the technical advantages of using manned submersibles to conduct deep-sea habitat observations and their significant role in deep-sea environmental monitoring and protection, this paper provides an overview of representative technologies for observing key environmental elements in deep-sea habitats, including the seabed micro-morphology, physical environment, and chemical environment. These precise observations are essential for deep-sea habitat research. The technologies discussed encompass high-resolution acoustic and optical observations of terrain and geomorphology during manned deep-sea dives; conductivity, temperature, depth measurements; turbulence analysis; in-situ detection of physical parameters such as sediment conductivity, heat, and radioactivity; and in situ chemical parameter detection using electrochemical technology, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, surface plasmon resonance, and microfluidics. This article emphasizes the successful applications of representative manned deep-sea observation technologies and highlights their significance. Furthermore, future trends and potential applications in this field are discussed.


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How to Cite

Ding, Z., Li, Z., Diao, G., Li, D., & Li, H. (2024). Review of Development of Submersible Deep-Sea Habitat Observation Technology. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, 11(3), 227-254.

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